BG police respond to assault


Police are investigating an assault that occurred in the city over the weekend, and charges are possible.

On Sunday at 10:45 p.m., Bowling Green police responded to a report of an assault in the 200 block of Georgia Avenue.

A man told police he had been assaulted by his roommate, according to the Bowling Green Police Division report.

The alleged victim had bruising on his left foot and scratches on his back and chest. He showed police where his roommate had smeared feces on the bedroom wall and had put holes in the wall, according to the report.

The roommate had left by the time the police had arrived.

When police talked to the roommate, he said the alleged victim had made the holes in the wall and the bruise on his foot had occurred a week prior. He also refuted the claim that he had smeared feces on a wall, according to the report.

Both men were given witness statements.

The case was referred to the prosecutor’s offices and charges may be filed, according to the report.

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