TMACOG plans public forums for input on regional transportation plan


Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments is seeking public input as it updates its ”Moving Forward 2055” Regional Transportation Plan. The plan is an essential document that is federally required and incorporates all modes of transportation.

Two public sessions will be held in Wood County this week.

• Tuesday from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Wood County Committee on Aging, Bowling Green

• Wednesday from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. in the College Hall atrium, Owens Community College

An online survey offers anyone the chance to share their input. Complete the survey, which takes about 5 minutes, by Nov. 30 at

Paper surveys are available upon request.

Through extensive stakeholder outreach and public involvement, TMACOG and its members will attempt to identify future needs by looking at the current system, identifying new technology and trends, predicting future revenue, and identifying ways to make the transportation system more safe, efficient, accessible, and inclusive.

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