Hayes Presidential Museum holds gingerbread house contest


FREMONT – Create a festive gingerbread house or building and enter it in to the Hayes Presidential Library & Museums’ online contest for a chance to win passes, a museum Store gift card and other prizes.

Hayes Presidential is seeking submissions of photos of your gingerbread house creations for its gingerbread house contest running in conjunction with Lights of Spiegel Grove, its annual holiday lighting event on Nov. 30.

Contest entrants can make a gingerbread structure and take a photo of it and enter it online here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd6LYT3Wmjie_IOx3EcAz5q5wF_b7d0tgXO5PhziAqZbP97-A/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0.

Hayes Presidential will then post the entries online and give people a chance to vote on them. This will be done on Hayes Presidential’s website and Facebook, Instagram and X pages. On Instagram, the voting will take place through Instagram stories.

Entries are due by 5 p.m. Nov. 24. Voting will then take place online Nov. 28 – through 7:30 p.m. Nov. 30.

Contest rules: Each participant may enter one gingerbread house/building or one compilation of gingerbread houses if they are part of the same entry. All entries must have a gingerbread building base.

The first-place winner will receive a $30 gift card to Hayes Presidential’s Museum Store, two passes to the Hayes Home and museum and a photo book of the Hayes Home.

The second-place finisher will receive two passes to the Hayes Home and museum, a photo book of the Hayes Home and a Hayes Presidential Christmas ornament.

The third-place finisher will receive a Hayes Presidential Christmas ornament, magnet and photo book of the Hayes Home.

For information, contact 419-332-2081 and ask for Makennah Rettig or Kristina Smith.

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