BGSU professor to highlight contributions of local women


Supporting innovation in the arts, humanities and social sciences, the Bowling Green State University Institute for the Study of Culture and Society will present a free, public lecture highlighting the important, little-known contributions of local women at 7 p.m. on Thursday at the Wood County District Public Library in downtown Bowling Green.

Presented by Sandra Faulkner, a BGSU professor and nationally recognized communications scholar, “Poetic Portraits of Older Women in the Great Black Swamp” will examine and honor women – past and present – who have helped shape the Great Black Swamp and the greater Bowling Green community. Faulkner also will discuss her research and ongoing work to document the oral histories of women in the community.

“This program is a great example of the university’s commitment to being a public university for the public good,” said Jolie Sheffer, director of the BGSU Institute for the Study of Culture and Society. “Dr. Faulkner’s oral history project brings to light the fascinating, often overlooked, stories of local people. We hope it fosters further conversations and connections.”

Housed in the College of Arts and Sciences, the Institute for the Study of Culture and Society empowers people and communities to serve the greater good and brings attention to the impactful research and creative activities by BGSU faculty, staff and students.

No registration is required.

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