Weston church adds personal hearing assistance

WESTON — Pastor Charles Case and the congregation of Weston United Methodist Church have announced the availability of their new personal hearing assistance service that is now available during any gathering at the church.

”’Big difference!’ is the feedback we’ve been hearing from congregants who have tried it,” Case reports. “Our system sounds almost as good as a commercial radio station.”

Using a personal radio receiver, one can use their favorite ear buds or headphones, and the church offers specially purchased headphones also.

The church also shares their Sunday worship gatherings by livestreaming to their YouTube channel and their Facebook page at: facebook.com/westonohioumc. Worship begins each Sunday morning at 10:30.

Built in 1897 with many steps, the congregation has installed ramps to make the sanctuary accessible. Through livestreaming, worshippers, who otherwise may not be able to attend, regularly connect from many states away and the local community. The hearing assistance service enables those with hearling loss to leave behind the frustration of not hearing clearly.

The church is located at 13185 Maple St.