Keegan, Baltz crowned at N. Baltimore


NORTH BALTIMORE — Karalyn Keegan and Wyatt Baltz have been crowned North Baltimore High School’s fall homecoming queen and king.

Keegan is the daughter of Erin and Amy Keegan. At NBHS, she is involved in marching band, pep band, National Honor Society, student council, Paws for a Cause, track, softball, and volleyball. She is also a drum major and one of the volleyball captains. Upon graduation, she plans to attend Bowling Green State University to pursue interior design.

Baltz is the son of Ryan and Tina Baltz. He is a member of the football, golf, basketball, and baseball teams. He is also a member of Paws for a Cause and vice president of student council. After graduation, he plans to attend the University of Cincinnati for a degree in finance.

The court, which was introduced Sept. 22, also included seniors Sara Casey, Owen Clark, Mackenna Ducat, Jesse Vanlerberg, Alex Greeno, Rowan Tackett-Spangenberg, Patience Helberg and Andre Johnson; juniors Morghan Nagel and Gavin Kleinmark; sophomores Cassidy Gerdeman and Brody Walter; and freshmen Rylee Keller and Jonah Hagemyer.

Casey is the daughter of Mary and Jim Casey. She stays active at NBHS, participating in golf, cheerleading, student council, Paws for a Cause, and NHS. She is also an active member of 4-H. Upon graduation, she plans to go to college in the dentistry field.

Clark is the son of Mike and Molli Clark. He is a member of the golf, basketball, and baseball teams. During the summer, he worked at the golf course. He is currently undecided on his future plans but looking into either finance or software development.

Ducat is the daughter of Krista Ducat. At NBHS, she is involved in marching band, baton, golf, basketball, track, student council, and the bowling team. She also is a student aide for the school secretary and the middle school science teacher. Upon graduation, she plans to attend the University of Toledo for respiratory therapy with a minor in health science.

Vanlerberg is the son of Jennifer and Brian Vanlerberg. He is a member of the cross country, track, quiz bowl, pep band, and jazz band. He is also active in Boy Scouts and a drum major. Upon graduation, he plans to attend UT for either finance or business.

Greeno is the daughter of Heather Bishop and Troy Greeno. She participates in softball, basketball, NHS, Paws for a Cause, and student council. In the future, she plans to pursue a degree in dental hygiene.

Tackett-Spangenberg is the son of Abbi Beltz and Dustin Tackett. He is a member of the football, golf, and basketball teams. He also participates in Paws for a cause and NHS. After graduation, he plans to go to college to study law.

Helberg is the daughter of Shane Helberg and Crystal Helberg. At NBHS, she is a varsity cheerleader and member of student council. She is currently undecided as to her future plans but interested in marketing and communications.

Johnson is the son of Katie Bartchlett. He participates in the football and basketball teams. He is also a student section leader. He is currently undecided about his future plans.

Nagel is the daughter of Shelly Nagel and Chris Nagel. She participates in volleyball, softball, student council, NHS, Paws for a Cause, and publications.

Kleinmark is the son of Lynnette Dickerson and Jeremy Kleinmark. At NBHS, he participates in bowling and band.

Gerdeman is the daughter of Carrie and Pete Gerdeman. She is involved in cheerleading, band, pep band, and track. She also works at Tony’s Restaurant and Pub.

Walter is the son of Jill Berry and Phillip Walter. He is a member of the football, baseball, and track teams.

Keller is the daughter of Jaime and Marc Keller. She plays volleyball and softball and is also a student aide.

Hagemyer is the son of Kristin and Joey Hagemyer. He is involved in golf, basketball, track, and esports at NBHS.

The prince and princess were kindergarteners.

Millicent Filby is the daughter of Brian and Angela Filby and the sister of Theodore. When she grows up, she wants to be a teacher or a dentist. Her favorite colors are purple and pink, and she enjoys reading, dancing, crafts, and hugging.

Colton Stewart is the son of Zach and Lauren Stewart and the brother of Adalynn and Maylee. When he grows up he wants to be a firefighter. His favorite color is blue, and he enjoys sports, fishing, and hunting.

Last year’s queen, Kaitlyn Kelley, is the daughter of Kim and Tim Kelley. She is currently attending the University of Phoenix to get her bachelors in social work.

The 2022 king, Brady Barlekamp, is the son of Traci and Anthony Leck. Upon graduation, he went into the workforce and is currently working at Whirlpool.

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