Retired high school teachers appeal to voters


It was our privilege to have served the families of Bowling Green for so many years. And we were fortunate to teach at a time when the community championed our efforts by passing levies. With this constant support, we provided the best possible educational environment for our students. Today, it’s difficult to imagine working in a decrepit building so woefully lacking in the modern necessities of teaching in the 21st century.

Additionally, the deterioration of the high school has further implications for our community. We feel BG has lost many young families looking to settle here because they believe our schools to be inferior after seeing our facilities. Instead, they choose to live in one of the many surrounding districts which all have new facilities. These updated buildings range from elementary to secondary, but we’re only asking you to fund one – a new high school, the cost of which will only increase the longer we delay.

It’s simply not enough to say “I support the teachers, but not this levy.” We can’t pretend to be pro-schools while our community votes down the financial instruments that will make teachers and students more successful.

We are united in our appeal to the voters of BG: Our students and teachers deserve a safe, well-designed, modern facility in which they can thrive. Please come together to pass the upcoming levy this November. To learn more, please visit BG Families for Schools (

Diane Vogtsberger

Sandy Lepper

Dianne Klein

Neal Allen

Richard Burkholder

Linda Van Blaricom

Judy Hudson

Mike Vannett

Peg Baker

Ron Nickey

Marlene Glick

Jim Keller

Cindy Maas

Brent Farher

Steve Dobbins

Larry Ensinger

Bev Anthony

Phil Laabs

Peg Maidlow

Becky Laabs

Bowling Green

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