BG council to address concerns with city’s rental inspection legislation

Bowling Green City Council recently discussed the self-inspection forms that are in the city’s rental inspection legislation.

Council President Mark Hollenbaugh and Councilman Bill Herald said at the Sept. 18 meeting that they had heard concerns on the issue.

Herald noted that people involved in property management in the city have concerns about the work involved.

Mayor Mike Aspacher said he has also heard the same concerns.

“We are open to reassessing the forms and the timelines involved in those things,” he said, noting that he is having upcoming conversations with people involved in the matter. “We’re aware, we’re engaged.”

He said that his goal is to facilitate some feedback on the matter, speak with the administrative team who developed the forms, and then report back to council in short order.

“We do want to make it a process that is not overly burdensome to the property owners,” he said, “but it is important that we gather baseline information.”

Also at the meeting, council introduced an ordinance authorizing Municipal Administrator Lori Tretter to sign an agreement with the Ohio Department of Transportation, and to seek qualifications, advertise for bids, and enter into contracts for services related to the construction of a pedestrian hybrid beacon at the intersection of West Wooster Street and Maple Street.

According to the legislative package document prepared for council, Maple Street has long been identified as a strategic corridor for bicycling and pedestrians. The Bicycle Facilities and Destination Map, updated in February 2023, identified Maple Street as a potential shared road corridor.

The city subsequently applied for and received monies from the ODOT Safety Program for the installation of a pedestrian hybrid beacon (PHB) near the intersection of West Wooster and Maple Streets. The city currently has two PHBs on East Wooster Street and these signaled crosswalks have provided a safe way for pedestrians to cross the roadway.

Installation of a PHB on West Wooster Street will significantly improve crossing safety in the corridor. The award is for 90% of the total project cost (estimated around $200,000) and work could begin in the spring.

Council also introduced two ordinances related to the annexation of approximately 1.52 acres of land in Center Township, and establishing interim zoning of innovation and employment zoning for the property, as petitioned for by Vicki L. Frobose.

The legislative package document notes that the annexation request is due to the desire to develop the parcel (and the adjacent parcel to the south) for veterinary services in the future.

A public hearing is required for the zoning matter, and was scheduled for Nov. 6 at 6:30 p.m.