Memphis player pleads guilty to assault


A University of Memphis basketball player accused of assault has pleaded guilty.

Jamirah Shutes appeared this morning in the courtroom of Bowling Green Municipal Court Judge Mark Reddin.

On March 23, following the Memphis vs. Bowling Green State University women’s basketball game, Shutes, who played for Memphis, punched a BGSU player in the face.

Defense attorney Steven Crossmock entered a plea of no contest on behalf of his client.

Reddin confirmed Shutes was not admitting to guilt but was accepting the facts presented in the case were true.

Shutes had been charged with one count of assault, a first-degree misdemeanor.

The punch happened as the teams walked toward center court following Bowling Green’s 73-60 win.

Shutes stopped to talk with Falcons’ player Elissa Brett. After a short conversation, Shutes appeared to throw a punch at Brett’s face. Brett fell toward the scorer’s table and onto the sideline.

After the punch, Brett stayed on the ground for several minutes as her teammates huddled around, but when she got up, she was already beginning to show signs of swelling around her eye.

“This is an event that gave notoriety to women’s basketball and not in a good way,” Crossmock said.

A 10-second video has forever changed Shutes, he said, and added his client has started anger management classes.

“Ms. Shutes has always been remorseful for her actions,” he said.

Shutes has graduated from the University of Memphis, has moved to Texas, and hopes to play basketball overseas, Crossmock said.

The victim is not requesting restitution, said city Prosecutor Alyssa Blackburn.

Shutes said she wanted to apologize to everyone around her.

Reddin imposes a $400 fine and placed Shutes on two years on community control with the condition she commit no other criminal offense and complete anger management. If she violates those conditions, she could spend 10 days in jail.

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