Status of Women townhall meeting in conjunction with the 5th annual Northwest Ohio Women’s Equality Day


The National Women’s Equality Day is the yearly recognition of the 19th Amendment. The passage of the amendment culminated in a 72-year, peaceful campaign that had its formal beginnings in 1848 at the world’s first women’s rights convention in Seneca Falls, New York.

Even though the 19th Amendment extended voting rights to women, only white women were allowed to vote. Until today, women still face various barriers based on their intersectional identities, which is why it is essential for women in Greater Toledo to discuss gender-based oppression and how it intersects with other forms of discrimination.

Presented by the American Association of University Women, Women of Toledo, and the City of Toledo will join forces with the local Advocacy Task Force, and organize the 2023 Northwest Ohio Women’s Equality Day, Friday from 2 pm to 7:30 p.m. at The Glass City Center. With a focus on human rights as women’s rights, we are organizing a community conversation followed by a town hall meeting with stakeholders and elected officials while discussing issues on the status of women in the areas of inclusion & access, justice, and security.

Despite many of the advances we have made toward gender equality in the past few decades, progress has been slow. And on certain issues – we are going a few steps back.

“The month of August and Women’s Equality Day cannot be another note on the calendar that drifts by, forgotten again until next year. This year we need to imbue this day with the gravity it deserves. We urge you to be ready for August 25 to join in this movement to assess and take inventory of how women in Northwest Ohio progressing or whether we are failing” said Nina Corder, managing director of Women of Toledo.

The community conversation is free for all to attend.

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