GFWC Women’s Club of Bowling Green Garden Group — Group news

The club gathered on July 18 at the home of Pat Evans in Bowling Green for a tour of her garden. Evans has grown a very large flower, vegetable and fruit garden on her home and adjoining city lot; members spent time following her around the large area as she related the history of the plantings and acquisition of her property. She reports that she spends several hours very early most mornings maintaining it by herself. Members then moved to Culver’s for the regular monthly meeting.

President Carol Ballard opened the meeting and members answered roll call by telling of their favorite public garden; June meeting minutes were approved. In Standing Committee Reports, Jean Ladd shared a product she discovered called Earth Breeze, which are eco sheets encapsulating laundry detergent producing considerably less waste; she offered samples for each member to take home and try. Linda Kuhn and Lynette Rosebrook reported they attended the OGC meeting in Findlay, and that Regions 1 and 6 will host the event at Maumee Bay State Park next year.

In August, group members volunteered for several areas of the Wood County Fair, including filling water bottles for the flower show on Sunday, and manning the garden sale table on Thursday.

The next meeting of Garden Group will be on Sept. 19t with a program on apples.