GFWC Women’s Club of Bowling Green Garden Group — Group news

The group gathered at Oak Grove Cemetery on June 29 for its regular monthly meeting.

Tim Hammer shared a program of the local history and legacy of the 23 acres of ground encompassing Oak Grove, including relocating the entrance from Ridge Street to Merry Avenue, bringing graves from Ridge Elementary area, and moving remains of those previously entombed in the mausoleum to new burial sites. There are approximately 10,000 burials presently at Oak Grove; only about 400 plots remain with no expansion plans by the city.

Hostesses Pat Limes and Linda Frizzell requested members bring a flower from their garden and then put together a bouquet, which members transported to Evelyn Bachman’s gravesite and took a few minutes to remember her.

President Carol Ballard opened the meeting and members answered roll call by telling of their favorite annual; May meeting minutes were approved. In Five Minutes or Less, Carol Mowan composed an original poem with accompanying self-created large flower aid to inform and entertain members about the Day Lily. The Holiday Art & Craft raffle basket was discussed and Linda Moore reported the basket is coming along fine though more items are needed. In Standing Committee Reports, Jean Ladd recommended reusing plastic bottles to avoid discarding so many, and also shared that the Herb Garden at the Historic Museum is in need of volunteers.

Susan Enright, as a member of the nominating committee, announced that Carol Mowan had accepted the position of president for the upcoming years. As the secretary position remains unfilled, she suggested the use of a standardized agenda format to be used as minutes and also submitted for the GFWC Ohio Annual Report. After motion was approved, she reported she will work on revising the bylaws. Further, Ballard announced that Enright will manage Sunshine committee and Sharon Daniels will manage Garden Hints.

The next meeting of Garden Group will be on July 18 beginning at 9:30 a.m. to tour Pat Evans’ garden. Address and carpooling suggestions will be provided.