Vandalism investigation at BG Pregnancy Center continues


The investigation into vandalism at the Bowling Green Pregnancy Center is continuing.

Bowling Green City Police Division and Wood County Prosecutor Paul Dobson announced Tuesday that the investigation into the vandalism of Her Choice, also known as the Bowling Green Pregnancy Center, on Ridge Street was on-going.

The investigation has involved federal investigators working with the city police and the prosecutor’s office.

“The investigators have developed some significant leads which are being pursued and we think will ultimately be fruitful,” said Police Chief Tony Hetrick. “However, there still remains work to be done before any decisions can be made. We are still interested in any information we can obtain from the public”

Dobson said that no decision has been made regarding whether any charges would be filed and, if so, whether the case would be handled at the state or the federal level.

“We appreciate the cooperative effort of the Bowling Green city police and the FBI,” Dobson said. “We remain in regular communication with the federal authorities and have collectively agreed that any decisions on what will happen will be made when we have all of the information in.”

In the early morning hours of April 15, the front of the building housing the pregnancy center was defaced with spray painted words. Among the comments spray painted was an allusion to “Jane’s Revenge,” an abortion rights group alleged to have been involved in other similar incidents around the country.

“The investigation remains ongoing as to any connection between this incident and any larger organization or movement,” Dobson said.

Various words had been spraypainted in green on the side of the building, including “FAKE CLINIC” and “ABORT GOD,” according to the police report.

A video provided by a center employee appeared to show a female wearing a hat and surgical mask at 3:26 a.m., according to the police report.

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