Zoar participates in National Day of Prayer

PERRYSBURG — Join Zoar Lutheran Church, 314 East Indiana Ave., on Thursday for the National Day of Prayer.

People of all faiths are invited to visit Zoar to pray for the nation. The sanctuary will be open from 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. for anyone who would like to spend some quiet time in prayer. We are open to anyone from the community who would like to join in prayer.

The National Day of Prayer is an annual observance occurring the first Thursday of May. The National Day of Prayer was signed into law in 1952 by President Harry Truman and the United States Congress. The National Day of Prayer unites all Americans from all socio-economic, political and ethnic backgrounds in prayer.

Historical Summary

1775 – The first Continental Congress called for a National Day of Prayer

1863 – Abraham Lincoln called for such a day.

1952 – Congress established National Day of Prayer as an annual event by a joint resolution, signed into law by President Truman (82-324)

1988 – The law was amended and signed by President Reagan, designating the NDP as the first Thursday in May (100-307).