Perrysburg Schools awarded for clean audit


PERRYSBURG — Perrysburg Schools has received a clean audit by the Ohio Auditor of State.

The Ohio Auditor of State representative Lori Brodie presented the district with the Auditor of State Award for a clean audit.

“It puts the school district in a very select group,“Anybody who receives taxpayer dollars receives an audit.

There are approximately 6,000 entities audited per year, including schools, cities counties and villages. Only about 8%, are eligible for this award.

She presented a short list of some of the requirements for the clean audit report.

“To have a clean audit you can have no findings for recovery, no material citations, no material weaknesses, significant deficiencies, single audit findings or questioned costs,” Brodie said. “Especially with a school district, I think it represents the hard work of everybody. A school is a little bit different from some cities and little villages. You have a lot of employees, so it takes everybody and each employee has to strive for that accounting excellence.”

She also recognized the work of the superintendent and the school board, because they have the job of both spending the money and accounting for it.

“I would be remiss if I didn’t recognize the treasurer, because he is heading that effort up,” Brodie said. “I think it is really important to recognize Randy, your treasurer, and the staff, for the excellent job that they do and their commitment to integrity.”

Treasurer Randy Drewyor received the award.

“This is a teamwork award and it’s not just for the finance department,” Drewyor said, giving credit to the district by listing off departments and directors with an accountant’s level detail.

Board President Eric Benington is an accountant.

“Randy’s been with us … for a couple of years now. Sitting on the finance committee it’s great to see how Randy operates within the administration, within the community, the improvements he’s done with the processes and reporting, all while minding the shop and making sure the numbers are clean,” Benington said.

After the meeting, Drewyor called the award the closest thing to an Oscar for a school district treasurer.

Following the presentation, 73 winter sports state qualifying students were honored.

Recognitions for state qualifiers were made in high school activities including cheerleading, swimming/diving, wrestling, OMEA All-State Music, speech and debate, valedictorian and salutatorian.

MathCounts and Power of the Pen included a total of nine state-qualifying junior high students.

Additional recognition went out to the spring musical cast, most of whom were in rehearsal for “Into the Woods.”

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