GFWC Women’s Club of Bowling Green — Group news


The group will meet May 6 at First Christian Church with a Mexican Fiesta Brunch beginning at 10:30 a.m. Program for the morning will be Cinco de Mayo + Uno. Members are reminded that advance reservations must be made for the brunch by Friday by contacting Sara Moomaw. Music Chair Donna Schmidt will introduce entertainment for the morning presented by members of the BGSU Music Department.

President Kathy Mull and members will begin the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance, after which Linda Hamilton will provide the morning’s inspiration. A brief business meeting will follow to update and plan ongoing club projects.

Results of the Spring Shower Drive-Thru will be announced. Candace Gillen will share Literature Group projects and Carol Ballard will share activities of Garden Group. Designated charity for the morning is the Brown Bag Food Project; the club will make a donation of $125 to the project on behalf of members.

Anyone interested in learning about the opportunities for service provided by GFWC Women’s Club of Bowling Green, or who would like to attend a meeting, can visit the website at or any club member.

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