Elmwood asks voters to support renewal levies


BLOOMDALE – Elmwood Local Schools will place two renewal levies on the November ballot.

At the April 10 meeting, the board of education agreed to proceed with placing the district’s 0.5% income tax and 0.75% income tax on the fall ballot.

The 0.50% income tax will collect an estimated $902,950 annually while the 0.75% income tax collects an estimated $1.37 million.

The income taxes have been collected since 1991 and 1995, respectively, and both expire at the end of 2024.

The district has not asked for new operating money in 26 years.

Also at the meeting, the board approved contract extensions for five administrators.

Board member Debbie Reynolds had asked to delay the contract extensions until a number of issues were addressed, including the development of an emotionally and physically safe environment, and enhancement of external and internal communication.

“Each administrator’s buy-in came in different ways, but I can see it happening,” she said.

Gregg Abke, buildings and grounds supervisor, had his contract extended two years to June 30, 2026. His salary remains at $66,154.

Kevin Wolfe, high school/middle school assistant principal and athletic director, had his contract extended two years to July 31, 2026. His salary remains at $101,478.

Roger Frank, middle school principal, had his contract extended two years to July 31, 2026. His salary remains at $103,641.

Gary Dulle, elementary school principal, had his contract extended for two years to July 31, 2026. His salary remains at $94,629.

Tony Borton, superintendent, had his contract extended for three years, to July 31, 2027. His salary remains at $126,705.

Board member Melanie Davis was the only “no” vote for the extensions.

She said after the meeting she had asked that the action on the contracts be delayed for one month.

Also at the meeting, the board:

• Heard high school Principal Ty Traxler give a report on the steps needed to add a new sport.

He said he contacted various school districts and learned that not everyone has a policy for adding a new sport.

A new policy will have a probationary section, a required number of participants, and facilities, he said.

“If you guys want to add a sports team, I’m not going to stand in the way of that, but if you want some criteria … there are some in here to go with as a guideline,” he said.

If this is the route the board wants to go, members can review it in May, said Superintendent Tony Borton.

This topic arose when female wrestlers and parents approached the board to support a girls wrestling team.

Wrestling Coach David Lee spoke in support of a girls wrestling program. He said wrestling will help kids with anger issues, bullying, honesty and good sportsmanship.

“The sport of wrestling has the opportunity to impact another group of young people. I ask you what is that worth,” he said.

Lee also encouraged the board to audiotape and videotape the board meetings. The current policy has the audio recording start once public comments are over.

• Heard Bryan Young talk about the “filth” being taught in school systems. He did not single out Elmwood.

He pointed out the books “Gender Queer” and “Lawn Boy” as examples of “disgusting” books.

“If you think that is art, you are of a debase mind. You don’t have any conscious,” he said.

Board President Ryan Lee cut Young off at the three-minute limit, at which time Young said if he were stopped, he would sue the school system. Lee persisted and Young stormed out of the room.

• Heard Brianne Perez express concern over the discipline problems and unruliness in the district.

“Elmwood’s issues seem to stem from the top administration down. Our children are being indoctrinated that it is OK to not follow the rules,” she said.

She said that the administration is not following the zero-tolerance procedures and policies set forth to handle bullying and harassment are not being followed.

Perez also addressed the lack of policy for students testing for individual education plans.

Special Education Supervisor Brenda Schnitker earlier in the meeting reported on the need for more intervention specialists in the elementary.

• Established a tax deferral annuity program and a deferred compensation plan, effective May 1.

• Authorized the advertisement for bids for two options, which include two 72-seat propane buses; and one 72-passenger bus and one 54-passenger propane bus.

• Accepted a revised 2023-24 school calendar that has the first day of school on Aug. 23, the last day on May 30, 2024, with graduation on June 2, 2024.

• Approved student trips for FFA to Columbus for convention on May 3-5; for middle school and high school boys basketball to Sherrodsville for Eastern Ohio Basketball Camp on June 8-13; and for high school girls basketball to Adrian, Michigan, for Adrian College Basketball Camp on June 19-21.

• Learned senior’s last day is May 12 and graduation will be held May 21. The last day of school for all other students is May 25.

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