Shakespeare Round Table — Group news


The Shakespeare Round Table, now in its 117the year, held its year end banquet for the 2022-23 study year at the Bowling Green Country Club. The group celebrated Shakespeare’s 459th birthday with primary colored balloons aloft each table and cookie name placement cards made by Kacee Snyder.

President Helen Weinberger welcomed 17 members, two associate members and their guests to the banquet. She reviewed the year’s study of Othello and Cymbeline and included a review of the topics covered at each meeting. She welcomed new members Megan Arnold and Becky White-Schooner and thanked her officers Vice President Patti Rish, Treasurer Kathy East and Secretary Sarah Caserta, for their service to the group.

The banquet committee, which was headed by Edna Clemens and supported by Kathy East, Kacee Snyder and Nancy Euler, selected pecan chicken, beef stroganoff, vegetarian lasagna, scalloped potatoes, green beans, salad, as well as cookies, brownies and a large birthday cake, to help celebrate the end of the study season.

After dinner, the group was entertained by a group of Bowling Green State University music education students who formed a barbershop quartet called Golden Chorale. In perfect harmony, they sang classic romantic quartet songs but the also included an Elvis classic “Let Me Be Your Teddy Bear.” The group included Giovanni Castiglione, Will Davis, Ethan Hupp and Braden Perry.

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