Tree removal makes way for new art installation at City Park

Three trees are scheduled to be removed from City Park – one Bur Oak tree and two Maple trees.

The city arborist has concluded that one of the Maple trees requires removal due to poor health and risk to the public, according to a Bowling Green city press release. The other Maple and a Bur Oak are being removed due to root damage sustained and caused by the close proximity of the trees during paving of City Park Drive and preparing for upgraded lighting and security.

The Bur Oak will be reclaimed and used for a new sculpture in City Park by nationally acclaimed local mosaic artist, Gail Christofferson.

Christofferson and her team approached the city about a desire to create and install a new sculpture in City Park prior to the arborist’s determination of the three trees being removed. Their plan provides an opportunity to re-use the oak tree in creating a dome-like structure and a seating area in the center of the dome.

A mosaic incorporated into the structure will create a new place to take a moment to relax and reflect while visiting City Park.

Christofferson currently has a mosaic installation at the Bowling Green Community Center and a sculpture at Simpson Garden Park.

Tree removal work is anticipated to begin at the end of March.