Fremont man indicted for escape

A Fremont man has been indicted for escape after he allegedly tried to run while being placed in handcuffs.

A Wood County grand jury on Wednesday indicted Logan Brian Johnson, 19, for resisting arrest, a second-degree misdemeanor; escape, a third-degree felony; and three counts improperly handling firearms in a motor vehicle, two which were fourth-degree felonies and one which was a fourth-degree misdemeanor.

Co-defendant Joshua Lyman Couts, 29, Huron, also was indicted for three counts improperly handling firearms in a motor vehicle, with two being fourth-degree felonies and one a fourth-degree misdemeanor.

On Oct. 7, the vehicle Johnson was driving was stopped for a traffic violation in the 3400 block of Libbey Road in Perrysburg.

He was seated in a patrol cruiser while the consent search of his vehicle was being conducted, subsequently leading to the discovery of several firearms.

The officer opened the cruiser’s door and told Johnson he was being taken into custody and tried to place him in handcuffs. At the point, Johnson fled the area. He was located after a brief search.

A loaded SCCY CPX-2 9 mm handgun and loaded Walther .380 handgun were found in such a manner where they were accessible to the operator or passenger without having to leave the vehicle. The SCCY was under Johnson’s seat and had a round in the chamber, ready to fire.

A loaded Smith & Wesson M&P-15 was found in the trunk.

Johnson was taken to jail and posted $15,000 bond on Oct. 28.