Garden Group of Women’s Club of Bowling Green

Garden Group of Women’s Club of Bowling Green met on July 19 at Garden View U Pick Flower Farm after first carpooling to Grand Rapids for an ice cream treat by co-host Jo Sipes. Members enjoyed a social time before traveling on to the flower farm for their monthly meeting, where they chose and picked flowers from the fields and created their own quart jar of arrangements.

Co-President Carol Ballard opened the monthly meeting with members responding to roll call by naming their favorite flower. New members Pam Vollmar and Linda Moore were introduced. Ballard announced that the “Tears in Heaven” hosta purchased in memory of Evelyn Bachman has been planted in the island at Simpson Garden Park. Minutes of May meeting were approved as emailed and Treasurer’s report was approved.

In old business, there is a concern about the beds at the Welcome Sign which we maintain through the summer; rabbits are consuming the middle bed. Suggestions were discussed about options for next year so as to maintain a colorful welcoming presence for visitors at the north entrance to our city. August brings participation in the Wood County Fair at the flower building and all shifts have been filled. The December meeting was discussed and, in lieu of a member gift exchange, the group is seeking an organization accepting donations; Wood Lane, Crim Elementary and the Deacon Shop will be consulted.

OAGC will be raising its dues this year; motion was made to raise our local dues to accommodate that increase.

Next meeting of Garden Group will be on Sept. 20 beginning at 4 p.m. at Althaus Farms, 23120 Lime City Road, Perrysburg Township. Cindy Althaus will present a program on squash and gourds with hostesses Shelly Sabo and Pam Vollmar providing refreshments.