City Park vandalized with blue hair dye

City Park was vandalized again over the weekend.

The Bowling Green Police Division responded to the park at 8 a.m. Sunday for a report of vandalism in a bathroom.

A park employee showed the responding officer the women’s restroom nearest the Veteran’s Building, which had blue hair dye spilled all over inside.

There was a lot of dye on the floor, walls, sink and mirror, according to the police report. There was also some dye that had been smeared on the door of the men’s bathroom.

The damage occurred sometime late Saturday night or early Sunday morning, according to the report.

There are no suspects and no surveillance video of the bathrooms.

Since last year, black and red paint have been used inside the stone shelter to paint four smiley faces, initials have been engraved on the granite plaque on the outside of the stone shelter, vulgar graffiti has been written on the picnic tables, the restroom by the skate park has been vandalized and staff members have had to remove feces from sinks, floors, and walls.