Michigan woman sentenced for BG storage unit break ins


A Michigan woman who pleaded guilty to breaking into storage units in the city has been sentenced to community control.

Aubrey McClintock, 33, of Homer, appeared July 5 in the courtroom of Wood County Common Pleas Judge Matt Reger.

He sentenced her to three years of community control and 200 hours of community service in the Dec. 27 break ins at All Size Storage on Victory Lane.

She also was ordered to complete all requirements on adult probation’s intensive supervision program, stay employed or enrolled in school full time, and have no contact with co-defendant Thomas Owens.

On Dec. 27, the storage manager called the Bowling Green Police Division to report five units had been broken into and she had video.

The video showed a U-Haul arriving shortly after 12:10 a.m. on Dec. 27. Two people got out, put on masks and used bolt cutters to access the storage units.

Video showed the license of the U-Haul, and a check showed it was rented in Michigan by McClintock’s niece and had been reported as stolen.

Three days later, McClintock and Owens were still in Bowling Green and had rented a room at an East Wooster Street hotel. They still had possession of the vehicle.

Both were arrested and items reported stolen in Michigan were found in the room and in the truck.

In June, Reger sentenced Owens to a six-month in prison sentence for each of five counts of breaking and entering, for a total of 30 months.

In sentencing McClintock, Reger reserved 12 months in prison for each of the five charges of breaking and entering if she violates the terms of her community control.

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