Walbridge man pleads guilty to domestic violence, abduction


A Walbridge man has pleaded guilty to abusing a family member and faces more than 10 years in prison.

Harley Harris, 27, was transported from the jail Tuesday to the courtroom of Wood County Common Pleas Judge Matt Reger.

Wood County Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Brian Boos said Harris has agreed to plead guilty to eight charges as indicted and the amended charge of aggravated assault.

Harris was indicted in April for aggravated menacing, a first-degree misdemeanor; three counts abduction, all third-degree felonies; four counts domestic violence, all first-degree misdemeanors; one count domestic violence, a fifth-degree felony; and tampering with evidence, a third-degree felony.

The aggravated menacing charge will be dismissed at sentencing. The fifth-degree domestic violence charge was amended to fourth-degree aggravated assault to avoid a mandatory prison sentence although it is a more serious charge.

Boos recommended the merging of two counts of abduction with two of the misdemeanor domestic violence charges.

He declined to make a sentencing recommendation.

Reger said, for the merged charges, he would likely sentence on the most serious offense.

He said he could impose up to 180 days for each misdemeanor charge and up to 18 months for the assault charge, although community control is presumed for fourth-degree felonies.

There is a possible maximum prison term of 36 months for each abduction charge, he said, but with third-degree felonies, prison is not mandatory or presumed.

“The court can choose either community control or a prison sentence,” he said.

If he chooses to imposed consecutive prison sentences, the total is 13.5 years, Reger said.

Boos said there were multiple incidents from Dec. 1-30 at the victim’s home in Walbridge.

A camera in the living room caught Harris putting the victim into a “full nelson,” meaning he got behind her, thrust his arms under hers and clasped his hands behind her head.

In the video you can hear her say “you’re hurting me,” Boos said.

Separate video shows them entering the home, Harris starts yelling at her to pay the bills and pushes her on the couch. He then slaps her face with the mail.

A third video shows Harris pinning victim onto the couch, slapping her in the face, and saying, “I’m going to kill you,” Boos said.

Walbridge police responded to a 911 call on Dec. 30, where a neighbor saw Harris dragging the victim out of the house. She was pregnant at the time.

She sought treatment at an area hospital.

A video shows him ripping the camera off the wall after police were called.

Sentencing was set for Aug. 9.

Reger granted a request by defense attorney Kent Sobran to allow a furlough for his client to the Lighthouse Behavioral Health Solutions treatment program in Lima.

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