“Finding one’s true self’: Wood Haven administrator writes children’s book


Jeff Orlowski tries to take students on a journey of their imagination, weaving in his new book.

“I teach them about the unlimited possibilities of their imagination. So if they can understand how unlimited their imagination can be, I believe that will help them in so many ways throughout their lives,” said Orlowski, whose “day job” is administrator of Wood Haven Health Care.

In January, Orlowski published his children’s chapter book titled “Avery Green and the Spirits of Dreams.”

The book is about a 12-year-old girl, named Avery Green, who just lost her dad and finds out that she can enter children’s dreams and manipulate those dreams to keep the children safe from nightmares. There will be three more books following this one. Orlowski is currently working on book two.

Orlowski recently did a presentation at Elmwood Elementary.

Throughout his talks to students, Orlowski takes students to numerous places, such as the City of Imagination. He said each place is meant to represent a different message that he hopes to get across to the kids.

During his visit to Elmwood, Orlowski invited the students to participate during his presentation, which he said he thought they enjoyed.

“I believe the students were engaged and that’s one of my main goals during the visits was ensuring that the students are engaged with my presentation. I get them involved. I call on them, they come up and participate,” he said.

Along with the students being engaged, Orlowski said he hopes that his presentation encourages children to read and write more.

“I think reading and writing plays such an important role in children and growing up and it’s sad if they don’t enjoy doing that because reading and writing can just take you to places that you’ve never gone before and you make new friendships with characters,” he said.

Orlowski has been writing for a long time. He wrote his first story in grade school for an assignment and has loved writing ever since.

“That story got me just to really enjoy writing and getting lost in the worlds that I created and the characters that I created,” he said.

While that first story inspired him to start writing, Orlowski said Avery Green was inspired by a movie called “The Goonies” that he used to love as a child.

“I really wanted to have a book that provides children with a fun adventure like ‘The Goonies’ did for me when I was a child,” he said.

Orlowski said he spends most of his weekends writing.

“Avery Green and the Spirits of Dreams” is available on Amazon and eBooks are available elsewhere. More information can be found at jeff-orlowski.com.

“The heart of Avery Green’s story is finding basically one’s true self, which is not being secluded from friendship and connection but rooted within it and accepting who one is,” Orlowski said. “So hopefully, people, the children that do read my book, they will learn that whoever they are, they will accept themselves for who they are.”

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