Wade the river, bale hay with county parks

Register for Wood County Park District programs at wcparks.org, 419-353-1897. Find and register for volunteering opportunities at wcparks.galaxydigital.com.

Native Nursery Night: Baseball is tonight from 6-8 at J.C. Reuthinger Memorial Preserve, 30730 Oregon Road, Perrysburg. Help plant, maintain and harvest seed from the native plants in the nursery. All tools provided. Training will be provided at the beginning of the program. Wear a favorite baseball cap.

Monthly Mindfulness is Saturday from 9:30-11 a.m. at William Henry Harrison Park, 644 Bierley Ave, Pemberville. Join naturalist and meditation teacher Emma Taylor for a monthly nature-based mindfulness session. Classes will consist of a combination of seated and walking mindfulness practices and nature awareness activities. This class is appropriate for teens and adults.

Go on a Full Moon Walk Monday from 9-10 p.m. at Sawyer Quarry Nature Preserve, 26940 Lime City Road, Perrysburg. Enjoy a gentle stroll under the Full Strawberry moon as we learn moon lore and look and listen for nocturnal wildlife.

A Cucurbits program is set for Wednesday from 6-7 p.m. at Carter Historic Farm, 18331 Carter Road. What are cucurbits? Learn everything you need to know to grow squash, cucumbers and melons. Know which pests to look out for and the available sustainable management options for control.

An Introduction to Kayaking Workshop will be held June 17 from 6-9 pm. at Three Meadows Pond, 700 Three Meadows Drive, Perrysburg. New to flatwater kayaking or want to improve your paddle and safety skills? This short challenge-by-choice course seeks to equip you with the knowledge and ability to make wise pre-trip choices, maneuver your kayak efficiently and rescue yourself if you flip. All kayaks and gear are provided. See online description for full details and registration requirements.

Family Fishing Nights are set for June 23 and July 14 from 7-9 p.m. at W.W. Knight Nature Preserve. Share an evening with the family in a natural setting and try to catch a big one. A limited number of poles and bait will be provided, and you are free to bring your own.

Hay Baling will be held June 26 from 1-2 p.m. at Carter Historic Farm. The hay has been cut and has dried in the sun. Learn how it gets baled for storage in order to feed the animals throughout the year. No registration is needed.

Research Spotlight: Frogs and Toads is set for June 28 from 7-9 p.m. at W.W. Knight Nature Preserve. Learn what Bowling Green State University researcher Brian Kron is studying in the parks and what questions he is trying to answer. After the presentation, head outside to look and listen for calling frogs and toads as the sun fades.

River Wading will be held June 29 from 6:30-8 p.m. at William Henry Harrison Park. Get up close and personal with the life in the Portage River, exploring some of its runs, riffles and pools. We will be in the water exploring with hands and nets, so wear quick-drying clothes and footwear that can get wet and stay attached to your feet. Kids must be 8 years or older. Program canceled in the event of high water or severe weather.