Latta calls on Biden administration to ‘unleash’ energy production

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Rep. Bob Latta, R-Bowling Green, on Thursday took to the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives to call on the Biden Administration to reverse course and unleash North American energy production.

Latta was speaking on H.R. 7688, legislation authored by House Democrats that they claim addresses high energy prices, but could lead to price setting and energy shortages, Latta said in a press release. The bill passed the House despite bipartisan opposition.

“Since day one, President Biden has made every effort to undermine, avoid, and restrict oil and gas production in North America,” Latta said on the floor.

“He canceled the Keystone XL pipeline, which would have transported 830,000 barrels of oil every day from Canada into the United States. He put a moratorium on leases for oil and gas exploration on federal lands, as he said he would do during the 2020 campaign. And, he has used the SEC to impose new climate regulations on investments, which has made it undesirable for individuals or companies to invest in the fossil fuel industry.

“And what was the result? My constituents in Ohio are currently paying the highest prices they have ever paid at the pump. There is no doubt in my mind that these prices would be even higher if Democrats like the Governor of Michigan had her way and the operation of the Line 5 pipeline in the upper Midwest was shut down.”

Latta said that Biden raided the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. Since he announced this plan, the average price of gas has gone from $4.22 to $4.57.

Instead of taking responsibility, Biden has worked with House Democrats to again shift the blame through this legislation, Latta said.

“I urge my colleagues to support legislation like the American Energy Independence from Russia Act, introduced by Republican Leaders Rodgers and Westerman, which will unlock North American energy and provide relief to Americans,” Latta said.