Lower levies in Rossford: Replacement taxes approved for schools


ROSSFORD — Two replacement levies that will lower taxes in Rossford have been approved.

Rossford Schools asked voters to support two 6.9-mill renewal levies.

Voters showed their support by passing both issues by 61.91% and 61.55% respectively, according to unofficial Wood County Board of Elections results.

Only 1,996 of 9,818 voters (20.33%) cast ballots for both issues Tuesday. For the first issue, 1,229 voted in support while 756 (38.09%) voted against. In the second issue, 1,218 voted in favor while 761 (38.45%) were opposed.

Both levies are currently collecting 7.9 mills.

“We are extremely excited and very pleased with that outcome,” said Superintendent Dan Creps.

He said in his experience, the district has never had these levies win by this wide of a margin.

One was first approved in 1991 and the other in 2002.

“That speaks to how hard we’ve been working and keeping the community informed,” Creps said.

He said the information-based campaign resonated with the community and that the school board followed through on its commitment to evaluate every levy and returned 2 mills to the community.

“The community recognizes that, and their appreciation shows in the outcome,” he said.

For the owner of a median-valued home, passage at the lower rate will result in a savings of $99 annually, or nearly $500 for the five-year life of the levy.

Each 6.9-mill levy will collect in excess of $2.47 million, according to Treasurer James Rossler said.

Each levy currently collects $2.84 million, which will mean an annual drop of $372,000 in collection from each.

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