Let us deal with facts, not Republicans’ big lies


To the Editor:

In response to the letter by Barbara Brunner (Support Trump, Republicans — it could not be worse, March 30), I would like to note that my life has been a constant search for the truth. I would hope that the same search guides Brunner. The truth is based on facts, not talking points, which can take the truth and twist it about to suit the speaker’s agenda. So, let us deal with facts.

True, we are in a period of high inflation. However, if you read history, then you know that virtually all disasters are followed by “systems collapse,” whether the disaster is from an infection or natural disaster or anything that destroys the social structure of ordinary life.

Systems collapse occurs because social structure can be like a house of cards when one aspect is highly dependent upon another. Systems collapse results in supply chain disruption and inflation — both the consequences of the disaster. In politics the party not in power will virtually always blame the party in power. If anyone is to blame for our current state of affairs, it is former President Donald Trump, who failed to take decisive action early in the pandemic.

If the world as we know it is to survive climate change, we must get away from fossil fuels and switch to clean energy. Will this cost jobs? Yes, but it will create many more jobs. We must train workers to transition from one energy field to another.

The “big lie” about immigrants and crime, disease, etc., does not deserve comment. It is simply Republican spin to avoid having more Democratic voters enter the country. Most crimes are done by Americans here. We still need to screen for terrorists from other countries. The Trump coup attempt and 9-11 are examples of why we need to do this.

The “big lie” about the Bidden mandate of vaccines and masks shows that Brunner has not read history. George Washington mandated that his soldiers be vaccinated against small pox. Most of our military has been vaccinated against COVID-19. If getting vaccinated and wearing a mask upsets you — sorry, but you do not have a right to kill others.

I acknowledge that Bidden has been weak about Russian aggression. Had Trump been in the White House, the war would have been over in a week.

W.E.Feeman Jr., MD

Bowling Green

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