Man, 79, sentenced for touching child


A 79-year-old Fostoria man will spend three years in prison for inappropriately touching a girl.

Richard Rumschlag appeared Friday in the courtroom of Wood County Common Pleas Judge Joel Kuhlman.

Wood County Chief Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Pamela Gross had asked for a sentence of nine years.

“I think that any prison sentence is likely to be a death sentence,” said defense attorney Sara Roller.

Rumschlag had been indicted in August for five counts gross sexual imposition, all third-degree felonies; two counts were dismissed Friday.

Roller said it was found in the pre-sentence investigation “there was never any sexual involvement.”

Kuhlman asked Rumschlag if he was aware he pleaded guilty to a charge of sexual intent.

“I never done anything,” Rumschlag said. “I was just rubbing her shoulders and back.”

Gross said the victim, who turned 8 during the four months she stayed with the Rumschlag in 2019, made allegations that the defendant had touched her inappropriately several times.

Rumschlag had admitted numerous times he had touched her inappropriately and had written a letter of apology, Gross said.

Rumschlag also must register as a Tier II sex offender, which will require him to register every 180 days for 25 years.

Gross said also during the presentence investigation, the defendant had shown no remorse and blamed the victim.

“Even if he believes the victim was directing the sexual contact … the defendant did not cease contact or seek help for this little girl. He just kept everything a secret,” Gross said.

She asked for a sentence of three years for each charge, for a total of nine years.

Roller said her client will turn 80 in June, he was honorably discharged from the military in 1966 and has no prior criminal offenses.

She also pointed out that these offenses were investigated in December 2019, Rumschlag wasn’t indicted until August 2021 and now it is April 2022.

In that time, there have been no other allegations of misbehavior, Roller said. Rumschlagwas diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease 10 years ago, she said.

Roller asked for community control.

Kuhlman agreed that Rumschlag has led a law-abiding life but said the defendant was not amenable to community control sanctions based on the seriousness of his conduct.

He imposed a sentence of three years for each charge, to be served concurrently, with a mandatory five years of post-release control.

Rumschlag was taken into custody and transported to the jail.

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