GFWC Women’s Club of Bowling Green — Group news

The club will meet on Saturday at 9:30 a.m. at First Christian Church for its annual May Breakfast, with brunch catered by Flo Klopfenstein. Program for this year’s breakfast is “Here Came the Bride: Wedding Gowns and Customs.”

Holly Kirkendall of the Wood County Museum will share insight into the museum’s current wedding-focused exhibit, “Allure & Illusion: A Rose Colored Romance.” A special display is planned of a few Women’s Club members’ wedding gowns.

Music Chair Donna Schmidt will introduce music from students of the BGSU music department.

President Kathy Mull and members will begin the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance, after which Evelyn Bachman will provide the day’s inspiration. Presentation of anniversary pins to celebrate milestone anniversaries will precede a brief business meeting to update and plan ongoing club projects. Carol Ballard will share news of upcoming Garden Group projects and Candace Gillen will share Literature Group projects.

The meeting will conclude with the recitation of the GFWC Collect for Clubwomen. The designated charity for May is the Wood County Humane Society; the club will make a $125 donation on behalf of members.

Anyone interested in learning about the opportunities for service provided by GFWC Women’s Club of Bowling Green to the community and beyond, or who would like to attend a meeting, can visit or talk to any club member.