GFWC Women’s Club of Bowling Green — Group news

The group met April 19 at the Bowling Green Senior Center, hosted by Linda Frizzell and Pat Limes. Members enjoyed a meal together and then gathered upstairs for the monthly meeting. Members responded to roll call with descriptions of land art in their home gardens. Frizzell presented a program of using discarded lampshade forms to fashion decorative support cages for tall flowers in the garden.

March meeting minutes were approved as emailed and the treasurer’s report was approved. In committee reports, Jo Vernon led a discussion on the downy and hairy woodpeckers which are presently in our area; tapping and pecking sounds heard are forms of communication among them; they are not eating.

Susan Kurfess discussed what bees are doing in winter, moving constantly in the hive to keep the temperature steady at 85-90 degrees to provide enough warmth for the Queen. Jean Ladd reminded members of the plant exchange hosted by the Master Gardener Volunteers today beginning at 10 a.m.

The club is hosting the Regional Garden Meeting on May 5 at Simpson Garden Park and will arrive early to put coverings on tables for the meeting and provide breakfast items for attendees. Linda Kuhn is in charge of selling raffle tickets at this event.

Members interested in attending Fostoria Garden Group Guest Night on May 11, featuring Joni Riley speaking on bees, should meet at Meijer parking lot by 4:50 p.m. for carpooling.

The next meeting of Garden Group will be on May 17 beginning at 4:30 p.m. to plant flowers at the Welcome Sign at the north edge of town, meeting afterward at 6 p.m. at the Falcon House restaurant for dinner and regular meeting.