BGHS Model UN competes at Miami U


Bowling Green High School Model UN attended a two-day Miami University Model UN conference on April 9-10.

The guest speaker was Laura Neack, a professor of political science at Miami University.

There were three committees:

Crisis committee — The Russian Revolution: Russian Provisional Government 1917

General Assembly (GA) committee — A Potential for Peace: Negotiations following the Battle of Borondino, 1812

General Assembly (GA) committee — Rights of Non-Humans: Dolphin Rights Panel

Bowling Green High School received four awards:

The Russian Revolution: Russian Provisional Government 1917 — Kirby Bucks (best delegate), Lucinda Busselle (honorable mention) and Lucille Nomaguchi-Long (most improved)

A Potential for Peace: Negotiations following the Battle of Borondino, 1812 — Gabriel Mott (honorable mention)

BGHS delegates who also attended the conference included Julia Becker, Samuel Challu, Gianna Hemming, Ashley Knowlton, Ben Rippey and Alex Xu.

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