Run, Hide, Fight program offered by Lake Twp. police


MILLBURY — The public is invited to attend a seminar Wednesday at 7 p.m. offered by Lake Township Police Department entitled Run, Hide, Fight. The seminar will take place at the township hall, 27975 Cummings Road.

Sgt. Jared Watson of the Tiffin Police Department will conduct the training.

The purpose of the program is to give citizens information on what they can do if they ever find themselves in a hostage situation, according to Ron Craig, Lake Township’s community policing officer and crime prevention officer.

“People would not normally know what to do to try to save themselves if they find themselves in this type of situation,” Craig said. “There are techniques the average person can do to maximize their chance of surviving a hostage situation.”

With more and more situations involving the taking of hostages occurring in the United States every year, no one is immune from becoming a hostage, even in smaller towns and rural areas, Craig said.

“You don’t have to be in a big city to find yourself in the middle of a hostage situation. It happens in small towns and rural areas every day. You never wake up in the morning thinking you are going to be a hostage that day, but it can happen.”

Sgt. Watson has presented this program for many years and has addressed all types of groups, giving them insight into what they can do to increase their chances of survival.

“The techniques and behavior this program outlines have proven to help save lives, Craig said.

Watson will answer questions from the audience during the approximately one-hour program.

No pre-registration is required. For more information on the event, persons may contact Officer Craig at 419-481-6354.

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