Elmwood to introduce LifeWise Academy


JERRY CITY – Elmwood Elementary students will have the option for religious instruction starting in the fall.

With LifeWise Academy, students in grades K-4, with parental permission, can receive character and religious instruction during the school day.

The academy will be held at the Community Center next to the school and students will be walk there once a week during their library period.

“That is a huge savings for us,” said Jeremie Pennington, who is on the five-person core committee working to bring the religious instruction to Elmwood.

LifeWise Academy teaches the younger population the values in the Bible. Classes are non-denomination and will follow the Gospel Project, which teaches Genesis to Revelation in an age-appropriate way.

Pennington is a member of the core committee that started talking last fall about the program.

“I think it’s important and a great opportunity for the kids. It’ll teach them part of the Bible and is based on character development,” he said.

He added there has been a lot of community interest. There is a Facebook page that contains more information (Elmwood LifeWise Academy).

The academy started instruction at Eastwood Local Schools last fall and there are similar programs in Liberty Center schools in Henry County and Elida schools in Allen County.

“In the schools it’s been in, it has shown improvement in classroom behavior,” Pennington said. “The schools have noticed a turnaround in student moral.”

He said the Elmwood committee talked to representatives from Eastwood.

In 1952, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that students can be released from public school during school hours to attend religious classes. These “released time” classes must be off school property, privately funded and parent permitted.

Pennington said they talked to their attorneys to confirm it was OK to hold the classes at the Community Center. He said LifeWise will rent a room in the center.

He said the board of education at its meeting in April will vote on a policy for “time release for education.” A letter then will go home with students with the intent to start classes in the fall.

Pennington was appointed to the school board Monday, to fill the seat left vacant with the departure of David Lee. He said he will step back from serving on the LifeWise committee to prevent any perception of bias.

The school board on Monday voted to allow the academy to hold classes.

He said it will cost about $45,000 a year to run the program, with funds going to pay a director, teachers and rent. The Facebook page will include information on how to donate.

“I think it’s just good teaching,” Pennington said. “It’s right from wrong. I feel it’s important and it keeps our students on the right path and develops good character. I hope it builds a solid foundation to keep them on the right track through school.”

He added that LifeWise is good for families that don’t have time for church on Sunday but want their child to have an opportunity to learn religious instruction.

“We’re looking for anything that can enrich character and make a well-rounded student,” said elementary Principal Gary Dulle.

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