WBGU to highlight local programming

WBGU-PBS will present a full evening of local programming on Thursday.
The programs scheduled are:
• "Northwest Ohio Journal" at 8 p.m. will focus on the question: "One Stop Shop for
Economic Development & Tourism?" On the panel to discuss the issue with host Steve Kendall
are Sue Clark, director, BG Community Development Foundation, Earlene Kirpatrick, executive director, BG
Chamber of Commerce and Barb Ruland, director, Downtown BG.
• On "Scenic Stops" at 8:30 p.m. host, Kathleen Phipps visits Fort Meigs with the Society for
Creative Anachronism, races with the Glass City Rollers, and chases ghosts at the Ohio State
• On BGSU Brain Game at 9 p.m. Rossford will take on Ottawa Hills.
• On Live Wire at 9:30 p.m. City of Kings is the featured band on Live Wire presented by 88.1 WBGU-FM,
filmed live at the Cla-Zel in Bowling Green.