Toledo man resists arrest, is taken to jail


A Toledo man was arrested Monday after a struggle with Bowling Green police.
Shortly after noon, Jazz Westley Sr., 34, was seen traveling in the 1600 block of East Wooster Street in
a Chevy Trailblazer with registration for a Mercury. The owner also had a suspended driver’s license.

According to the Bowling Green Police Division report, a patrolman followed the truck into Speedway and
parked perpendicular before approaching the driver, who was identified as Westley.
Westley said he was driving to Columbus from Toledo. According to the report, Westley first said he gave
the Mercury to his wife and later said he had junked the vehicle. He produced a title for the Chevy, but
the VIN numbers did not match.
Meanwhile, dispatch advised that Westley had an administrative license suspension for refusal to submit
to a chemical test during an OVI stop. Westley said he knew about the suspension due to an incident in
When asked by police, he said he had nothing on him he shouldn’t have.
The report indicates the responding patrolman observed a knotted plastic bag sticking out of Westley’s
pants pocket. A check of his person uncovered a plastic bag containing approximately 4.54 grams of
When told his vehicle as going to be towed and he was going to be charged with driving under suspension,
Westley reportedly became upset and belligerent. The patrolman grabbed his right arm, but Westley
continued to struggle and got away. The patrolman and a second responding officer grabbed the man and
told him to calm down and stop resisting.
A Taser was pulled and pointed at Westley’s chest and he was told it would be used unless he stopped
After voluntarily going to the ground, Westley refused commands to place his hands behind his back. While
he was being handcuffed, he continued to struggle.
During the struggle, backup was called and the two officers escorted Westley to a cruiser. He struggled
again when the officers attempted to put him in the vehicle. According to the report, he placed one of
his legs against the door jam and began pushing backwards.
The prisoner van was requested be brought to that location. It arrived along with five additional police
The responding patrolman’s name tag and body microphone were missing, and when found, were damaged beyond
Westley was taken to jail and was charged with driving under suspension, unauthorized plates, possession
of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia, and resisting arrest.
He was arraigned Tuesday and pleaded not guilty. Bond was set at $12,500.

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