T-Shirt documentary honored in Ukraine

Locally produced documentary film, The Amsterdam T-Shirt Project, is to be featured on Ukrainian
streaming film and television after showing in the Ukrainian based International Ethnographic Film
The half hour documentary was made by Bowling Green State University professor Matt Donahue, who teaches
in the Department of Popular Culture.
The Amsterdam T-Shirt Project highlights the artists, vendors and creators of souvenir T-shirts in
Amsterdam, Holland. The film shows how the city is considered to be the souvenir t-shirt capital of the
world and how the souvenir t-shirt is tied into tourism and popular culture in the city of Amsterdam.

“It is quite an honor to be the only American film in the festival and therefore the only American film
from the festival which will be featured on this movie site,” Donahue said. “Basically Megogo is the
Netflix of the CIS countries, the CIS countries are the Commonwealth of Independent States, which are
former countries associated with the Soviet Union. Although it appears, that the distribution will be
specifically limited to the Ukraine.”
The announcement was confirmed last week, after the end of the International Ethnographic Film Festival.
It is one of the only film festivals of its kind and highlights cultures from throughout the world from
an ethnographic point of view.
“Being accepted into this festival is quite an honor as the subject of the festival ‘ethnography’ fits
within my research in the field of popular culture and my other documentaries,” Donahue said. “My film
was the only American film accepted into this year’s festival. My documentary made it into the
International Short Film Category.”
Donahue’s other films include: The Hines Farm Blues Club, Taking It to the Streets: An Art Car
Experience, Car Power: Another Art Car Experience, Motorhead Matters, The Process: Creating, Recording
and Releasing Music in the Digital Age.
The festival webpage can be found at https://en.okofilmfest.com.ua/ and the film site is