Swiss museum to inherit trove of long-hidden art

BERLIN (AP) — A museum in Switzerland said Wednesday that it has been named the “unrestricted and
unfettered sole heir” of a German art collector whose priceless hoard of long-hidden artworks last year
set off an uproar over the fate of art looted by the Nazis.
The Kunstmuseum Bern, in the Swiss capital, said it was “surprised and delighted” at the appointment, of
which it was informed by Cornelius Gurlitt’s lawyer, Christoph Edel.
“At the same time, (we) do not wish to conceal the fact that this magnificent bequest brings with it a
considerable burden of responsibility and a wealth of questions of the most difficult and sensitive
kind, and questions in particular of a legal and ethical nature,” it said in a statement.
The museum said that the news “came like a bolt from the blue” as it had never previously had any
dealings with Gurlitt, who died age 81 at his Munich apartment on Tuesday.
Edel’s office declined to comment. It referred questions to Gurlitt’s spokesman, Stephan Holzinger, who
said his client summoned a notary early this year before he underwent heart surgery, with his lawyer
also present, but that it was up to the Munich district court to determine whether there is a valid
The court said it hasn’t yet received the will, but that if it is found to be valid a foreign heir has
six months to decide whether or not to accept the bequest.
German investigators seized more than 1,000 artworks from Gurlitt’s Munich apartment two years ago after
chancing upon the trove of paintings, print and drawings by masters such as Pablo Picasso, Henri Matisse
and Marc Chagall. Authorities disclosed the find only in November following a report by German magazine
Gurlitt initially insisted that he had rightfully inherited all of the works from his father, Hildebrand
Gurlitt, who at one point had acted as an art dealer for the Nazis.
But after months of legal wrangling, Gurlitt agreed last month to a deal with the German government under
which experts would check whether any of the works he owned were looted by the Nazis — leading to
possible restitution claims — while they remained in authorities’ custody. All works cleared of
suspicion would be returned to Gurlitt. The Bavarian Justice Ministry said Tuesday that the deal would
be binding on all possible heirs.
The return of the released pictures to Gurlitt hadn’t started at the time of his death, Holzinger said.

Experts who examined the pieces seized in Munich said they included both what the Nazis called
“degenerate art” as well as looted art.
The Nazis took so-called degenerate art — mostly avant-garde modern art, such as expressionism — from
museums and public institutions because it was deemed a corrupting influence on the German people.
Looted art was stolen or bought for a pittance from Jewish collectors who were forced to sell under
duress during the Third Reich.
According to its website, the Kunstmuseum Bern is home to works by Paul Klee, Picasso, Ferdinand Hodler
and Meret Oppenheim. It describes itself as the oldest art museum in Switzerland, with a permanent
collection covering eight centuries.
Also Wednesday, the Munich court ordered an autopsy on Gurlitt at prosecutors’ request. Thomas
Steinkraus-Koch, a spokesman for prosecutors, said they want to be sure of the cause of death although
there is no indication of anything untoward, news agency dpa reported.