Organizations: 12-24-14

Alva N. Sidle Auxiliary Unit 232
The meeting held on Dec. 4 was opened by President Linda Donald according to ritual with eight members
present. Anna Tanner read the opening prayer.
Judy Thomas reported that there were 165 paid members with a goal of 223.
Girl State interviews will be held in March.
Applications for Holly Hanson and Leona Shanks were read and approved.
Barbara Thomas read the County Council report that Mae Schlotz and she attended. The Toledo Veterans
Christmas party was Dec. 11. They can use desserts and small bags for candy, also medium gloves. Vi
Grybowski reported that 1,000 veterans go through a day. The use six cases of six ounce cups a month.
Their budget is $800 a month and is it depleted in approximately three weeks.
Thank-you cards were read from Anna Nicely and Sharon Current from the Otsego Food Bank.
Mid-winter conference will be held in Columbus Jan. 9-10. There is no fish fry in December, the next one
is Jan.16. The post Christmas party was Dec. 20.
Bills paid were to A.L.A. Dept. of Ohio for dues $1,449; Lucas Co. Council Auxiliary assessments $15; 1st
District assessments $20; tickets for past president scholarship raffle $10; groceries for the Doug
McCabe benefit memorial dance $109; Karen Dress for Veterans fleece blanket $43; government test trip
$50; Spirit of Youth $25; Auxiliary Emergency Fund $25; Children & Youth Fund $25; USO $25;
Marie Moore Fund $50; Cincinnati, Cleveland, Chillicothe and Dayton VA’s $25 each; Karen Dress for
sympathy cards and Toledo VA clothes $34; and A.L.A. Past President Parley dues $12.
The members brought in 14 packs of socks, three packs of panties, six packs of underwear, eight packs of
gloves, hats, and headbands and four pair of leggings for the elementary school children.
Dec. 28th is National Pledge of Allegiance Day.
There will be no meeting in January.
Laureate Gamma Sigma
A total of 11 members and husbands attended the Christmas dinner Dec. 13 at the home of Donna Lambert.
The social committee prepared the dinner which consisted of two different soups, salads and Christmas
cookies and ice cream.
A gift exchange followed which consisted of homemade items of various kinds. The dice game, 7 or 11 was
then played with various wrapped items being won.
Next regular meeting will be Jan. 5 at the home of Betty Buehrer.
Wood County Salon 741
The Wood County Salon 741 of the 8/40 Organization that helps children with the prevention and control of
all lung and respiratory diseases, held their November meeting at Shirley Davis house at Luckey.
Darlene Hanneman was the co-hostess.
Tammy Firsdon, Pat Agner, Gloria Verbeke and Jeanne Sutton attended the Ohio Department Fall School of
Instructions, (Fall Pouvoir). They reported on the event. The Salon did very well on awards and honors.
The Spring Pouvoir will be held on March 28 at Carey, Ohio. The theme this year is “Ohio Angels Working
for Our Special Children.”
Those in attendance were: Colleen Phillips, Denise Conrad, Darlene Hanneman, Gwen Schroeder-Zulch,
Darline Weaver, Kathy Oldham, Gloria Verbeke, Tammy Firsdon, Betty Briggs, Pat Agner, Shiley Davis and
Anne Michel.