Organizations: 05-03-14

Salon 741
The Wood County Salon No. 741 of 8/40 held their first meeting of the year on April 10. The hostess was
Rita Euler from Bowling Green, with Gloria Verbeke. McClure, as co-hostess.
The harsh winter weather prevented having meetings in January, February and March.
Le Chapeau Pat Agner reported on the business since last December meeting. Tammy Firsdon will be
installed as national le chapeau in September in Rapid City, South Dakota.
The programs were reviewed since the yearly reports are due. The programs reported were: Constitution and
By-Laws – Firsdon, Nurses Scholarship – Verbeke, Public Relations – Darlene Hanneman, Children and Youth
– Gwen Schroeder-Zulch, and Ritual and Emblem – Colleen Phillips. L’Aumonier Shirley Davis and
L’Secretaire-Caissiere Betty Briggs also reported.
The salon has a cystic fibrosis child who will celebrate his birthday this month. Schroeder-Zulch will
send him a birthday present and card.
The next meeting will be Thursday. It is the 6:30 p.m. Partnership Payoff Potluck, to be held at at
Firsdon’s home in Bowling Green.