Mother Nature is in charge of our planet

Natural events, such as hurricanes, earthquakes and the change of seasons are normal occurrences in any
year. There is nothing we can do to prevent or delay these and other natural events. Some experts say
climate change — or global warming or whatever the latest term is — affects, even causes, these events.
Earthquakes and volcanoes are not subject to the changing environment. The regular change in seasons
aren’t either. These are natural occurrences. Natural, as in provided by a power higher than any of one
of us or any group of us.
Our planet is a living organism. And as such it is growing and changing as it has since its formation. Or
as some people will say since its creation. Think of the dinosaurs, mastodons and saber tooth tigers of
years gone by. These died out or evolved into creatures we know today. Our atmosphere is in constant
motion, moving the air from colder areas to warmer areas. Sometimes with great velocity – storms. It is
all part of a living organism. And living organisms change, they grow. It is a normal function of life.
As any organism can and does, it can fix itself – get better or heal. Just as the earth heals after a
forest fire. Plants and trees grow back, often healthier than before. Not always in the time frame we
would like it to, but nature doesn’t follow a human timetable. It is nature, as in Mother Nature. And,
if Mother Nature ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy. And Mother doesn’t follow any computer program.
Like so much of our lives, we want everything now. That is not always possible and not realistic. We can
control many parts of our lives, but not nature. There is a power that is beyond our reach, beyond our
control. Earthquakes are only one of nature’s events that we can’t control or even predict.
We can predict hurricanes and follow the development of these storms, but we cannot not prevent or
control. Other weather events we can predict but not prevent or control. Good weather and bad weather,
nature is in charge. Despite or maybe in spite of our feeble attempts, nature always wins. Any man-made
effort to control or change weather can’t compete with Mother Nature — not even the Green New Deal.
Climate change is nature’s way of telling us it is in control. Yes, what we do or don’t do will affect
how the earth reacts. Pollution, both water and air, is affected by human activity.
There was serious concern about nuclear fallout during the 1950s and 1960s from all the testing of
nuclear weapons. Those concerns never developed into what was predicted. Life went on and we prospered
as a nation and a world. Nature stepped in and cleaned up our mess. Are there any residual problems from
this testing? Probably, but there is little if any talk about this. Nature solved the pollution from the
fallout. Just as nature will solve any other problem we humans cause. This is not to say we should just
keep on polluting, we should clean up our act, reduce pollution caused situations. But we must remember,
nature is charge.
Nature is still in charge. And Mother Nature always wins – always.
Herb Dettmer is a retired Bowling Green resident, U.S. Army veteran and writes this column
representing the viewpoint of “Joe Average” citizen. He is freelance writer and author of “Others,” a
devotional book. Call or text “Joe” with comments at 419-494-4641.