Kids Tech set at BGSU

The Jan. 25 storm forced a delay until Wednesday and a change of venue for the Kids Tech University
program at BGSU, but the program organizers think everything will be even better.
According to the program director Professor Paul Morris, the Kids’ Tech University program is intended to
simulate a true university experience for the children who are between the ages of 9-12. The change of
venue means that the morning talk will now be in a lecture hall in Math Sciences building, while the
afternoon activities will be in some of Biology teaching labs in the Life Science Building.
"We want the children to be able to see themselves as future science students at BGSU. Now, they
will be in some of the same classrooms and labs that we use for our introductory classes. I think that
is pretty exciting," Morris stated.
The program will start off with a story about algal blooms in Lake Erie by Dr. Kane an Associate
Professor at Defiance College. The afternoon activities have a focus on the study of organisms in
aquatic systems and water quality issues.
"The children will be doing some of the same tasks that we give our first year students," said
Part of the afternoon activities will also include a tour of the marine lab a facility that is maintained
by undergraduates. Registration for the program is still possible through the program’s website,
This will be the first of four programs scheduled for 2014. The second is set for Feb. 20.