Grave situation: Lake Twp. raises burial costs to meet expenses

MILLBURY – The cost of being buried at Lake Township Cemetery is going a little deeper.
At Tuesday’s meeting, the trustees approved new cemetery rates, which had not been adjusted since 2009,
according to chairwoman Melanie Bowen.
"We’ve had some money issues (at the cemetery) so it’s time to put us in line with everyone
else," Bowen said after the meeting.
The cemetery budget has been down from $200,000 annually five years ago to $160,000 a year.
The new fees put a bigger spread between resident and non-resident rates. The new foundation fees and
non-residential burial charges are effective Feb. 1.
"This kind of puts us on par with the other cemeteries," said Trustee Jeff Pettit. "Even
with the increases, there’s three to four cemeteries … that are still higher on their footers."
Pettit got specific prices from Fort Meigs and St. Rose cemeteries in Perrysburg, New Belleville Ridge in
Perrysburg Township and Riverside in Maumee.
At Lake Township, stone size prices now range from $165 for 2 feet to $420 for 7 feet.
A non-resident weekday burial is $800 and a non-resident Saturday burial is $900.
Cremation for a resident is $300 and for a non-resident, $500, with an extra charge for any hand-digging
for larger urns.
In other cemetery business, the trustees accepted the official retirement resignation from Sexton Gary
Schulte, who has been with the township for 30 years and will leave Feb. 28.
The trustees also went into a 30-minute executive session to discuss cemetery personnel. No action was
Also at the meeting and at the Jan. 14 meeting, the trustees:
• Adopted a medical base plan for township employees for a renewal cost of $23,165 per month through
Medical Mutual Ohio and the Toledo Area Chamber of Commerce. Bowen said this is a 6 percent increase,
plus a 4 percent increase in fees due to the Affordable Care Act. She said originally there was a 14
percent increase proposed, but negotiations brought it down.
• Voted to purchase 30 three-season jackets for the fire department from Superior Uniform Sales, Toledo,
for $12,500. They are illuminated and protect firefighters from blood and bodily fluids.
• Approved a three-year contract with Firehouse Software, Urbandale, Iowa, for $2,688. It provides a
records reporting system and secure information storage of fire department records.
• Approved spending $1,073 for repairs to the fire department’s 2006 Dodge Durango. The work was done by
Rouen Chrysler Dodge, Woodville.
• Had more discussion on replacing a 1990 dump truck for $129,900, or repairing it.
• Heard from Parks Director Ron Hanely that some of the $15,000 left to the Friends of the Park by Edwin
Knepper will be used to purchase playground equipment at Friendship and Moline Meadows parks. Knepper
died in April.
• Heard December department reports. Police arrested 21 and issued 64 citations. Rossford had 386 calls
for service, the township had 224, Walbridge had 105 and Millbury had six. Medic 50 EMS had 95 runs and
the township had 94. The cemetery had 20 burials; Schulte said there were 194 burials in 2013. The road
department had 177 hours of overtime. Zoning collected $850 and issued five permits.
• Approved applying for an Ohio Turnpike Commission grant. The money would be used for concrete
improvements on Libbey Road. There is no match required.
• Re-elected Bowen as chairwoman for the 2014 year; Welling is vice-chairman.