Quiz Bowls


BGCA defeats Otsego

On Feb. 14, the Bowling Green Christian Academy’s fifth-six grades quiz bowl team defeated Otsego, 96-72.

Top scorers were Sophie Dahms for Otsego and Micheal Bruht for BGCA.

Elmwood defeats Powell

Elmwood Elementary won over Powell Elementary with a score of 108-84.

Powell’s high scorer was Levi Vanlerberg and Elmwood’s high scorer was Chadryk Hiser.

Elmwood finishes the regular fifth-sixth grade season undefeated. The tournament to be held at Elmwood at 4 p.m. on Wednesday.

Elmwood defeats BGCA

In seventh-eighth grade quiz bowl action, Elmwood defeated BG Christian Academy, 78-72, on Feb. 16.

Leading scorers were Gavin Minich for Elmwood and Nehemiah Barnes for BGCA.

The academy’s teach is coached by Happy Brooks while Katie Smith coaches at Elmwood.

The tournament will be March 7 at 4 p.m. at Elmwood.

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