Ghanbari files petitions for reelection


Ohio Rep. Haraz Ghanbari, R-Perrysburg, is running for a second term in the Ohio House of Representatives. Ghanbari was first sworn into the Ohio House in 2019 and elected in fall 2020.

Ghanbari, who is chairman of the Armed Services and Veterans Affairs Committee, has the support of Speaker of the House Robert Cupp and the Ohio House Republican Alliance, according to a press release.

“Haraz is a shining example of state legislators who put service to others above themselves and who work for the common good with energy,” Cupp said. “Our nation’s founders called this ‘civic virtue,’ and they rightly believed holding fast to this principal was necessary for our nation to survive. Rep. Ghanbari has earned another term in the Ohio House of Representatives.”

Ghanbari has introduced and championed key pieces of legislation during the 133rd and 134th General Assemblies to better the lives of residents in Wood County and across the state. He is an outspoken advocate for public safety, launching national initiatives challenging elected official across the country to engage with their local law enforcement and first responders.

“I am proud of the many accomplishments during my tenure as the state representative for Wood County,” Ghanbari said. “From securing $2.79 million for Wood County during the recent state capital budget, to achieving significant investments for public safety, higher education institutions and our students, to facilitating job growth and ensuring equal housing opportunities for those who call Ohio home.”

Ghanbari said he has assisted hundreds of Wood County residents navigate the bureaucratic red tape of state agencies through his casework and advocacy.

Ghanbari has more than two decades of military service. He continues his service as a lieutenant commander in the U.S. Navy Reserve assigned to the Pentagon.

Ghanbari lives in Perrysburg with his wife and two children.

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