Owens continues building upgrades

Owens continues to upgrade its facilities, using state not local monies.
At Tuesday’s board of trustees meeting, Mike McDonald, executive director of operations, reported that
work should be completed in August for Phase III of Heritage Hall.
Phase III will include the addition of 21 classrooms, two conference rooms and a student gathering place,
plus labs, and will cost $3.5 million.
The first two phases, which started in 2010, included moving the culinary arts program and Terrace View
Cafe, the School of Business and Information Systems, and the School of Nursing into the building at a
cost $6.8 million.
The building was purchased from Penta Career Center in 2008.
Also on the agenda for this year is revamping the Admissions Center to make it easier to find, along with
moving and revamping the Alumni, Foundation and Marketing departments, all within College Hall.
This project, also to be completed by August, is estimated to cost $750,000.
McDonald said the Admission Center will add an orientation room and media wall, and may allow for new
students to take their own selfie for the ID card.
His goal is to reduce the college’s footprint by 50,000 square feet.
They will add 40,000 square feet through renovations but eliminate 90,000 by closing satellite locations
at Tracy Road and Arrowhead Park.
They will be “bringing it all back to the Toledo campus,” McDonald stated.
The college is using HB 497 funds for the projects.
Also at the meeting President Mike Bower reported he has had conversations with administrators at Terra
Community College in Fremont and Northwest State Community College in Archbold about sharing resources;
and that he and CAT officials are working to find a location to expand that program.