BGSU Arts Events: 09-11-13

All events free unless noted.TODAYA food-centered art exhibit titled "Consumed: Nourishment
and Indulgence" opens at 11 a.m. in the Willard Wankelman Gallery of BGSU’s Fine Arts Center.
"Consumed" displays work that considers some of the issues, attitudes and associations that food
symbolizes, and will continue through Oct. 9. Gallery hours are 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday,
6 to 9 p.m. Thursdays, and 1 to 4 p.m. Sundays.The opening and awards ceremony for the "FOCUS"
exhibition starts at 6 p.m. in 115 Olscamp Hall. The exhibit, located in Dorothy Uber Bryan Gallery of the
Fine Arts Center, displays the artwork of gifted high school artists from northwest Ohio and southeast
Michigan. The work will be on display through Oct. 5.The Faculty Artist Series presents pianist Cole Burger
at 8 p.m. in Bryan Recital Hall of the Moore Musical Arts Center.THURSDAYMary Biddinger, poet and author of
"Prairie Fever," will read from her work as part of the as part of Creative Writing Program’s
Visiting Writer Series at 7:30 p.m. in Prout Chapel.FRIDAYARTalks continues with a presentation by English
artist and illustrator Sue Coe, known for her highly political work and opposition to animal cruelty, at 7
p.m. in 204 Fine Arts Center.Guest artist Nathan Hess, piano, performs at 8 p.m. in Bryan Recital
Hall.SUNDAYGish Film Theater’s Sunday Matinee celebrates "The Greatest Clown: Charlie Chaplin"
with film screenings starting at 3 p.m. in the Gish Film Theater at Hanna Hall.In conjunction with the
exhibit "Consumed: Nourishment and Indulgence," theater and film faculty member Dr. Cynthia Baron
will speak on "Watch What You Eat: Food Documentaries and the Counter-Cuisine Movement," at 3 p.m.
immediately before the 4 p.m. screening in 1101 Fine Arts Center of the Academy Award-nominated film
"The Garden," about the Latino South Central Farmers and their fight to grow food.SEPT. 16As part
of ARTalks series, New York City artist Debra Priestly, whose work in the "Consumed" exhibition
focuses on the way common rituals such as the preparation and consumption of food can inspire dialogue,
presents a talk titled "Hybrids," at 5 p.m. in 204 Fine Arts Center.SEPT. 17Tuesdays at the Gish
presents "What’s Eating Gilbert Grape?" at 7:30 p.m. in the Gish Film Theater at Hanna Hall. This
1993 film, directed by Lasse Hallstr??m and with cinematography by Sven Nykvist, includes young actors
Johnny Depp and Leonardo DiCaprio and represents a coming-together of artists from Europe and the United
States.SEPT. 19The Jazz Lab Band 1 will perfors with guest artist Gary Smulyan at 8 p.m. in Donnell Theatre
of the Wolfe Center for the Arts. Smulyan performs as a soloist as well as in ensembles including the
Vanguard Jazz Orchestra and bassist and composer Dave Holland’s bands.The International Film Series kicks
off with "The Tiniest Place" at 7:30 p.m. in the Gish Film Theater. This Mexican documentary
follows an annihilated town in the Salvadoran jungle that rebuilds itself after surviving a tragedy.