BGSU band set to tweet

The College of Musical Arts at Bowling Green State University will host its first "tweet
friendly" concert, featuring the University Band, Friday at 8 p.m. in Kobacker Hall at Moore
Musical Arts Center.The University Band, under the direction of Ken Thompson, will feature an
electroacoustic symphony for wind band and sampled ocean sounds titled "Immersion," by Alex
Shapiro."We want attendees to ‘follow’ the concert and share it," said Thompson. "Then,
throughout the performance we will be sending photos and text about sustainable environments, oceans and
conservation – we really want our audience to interact with the material."Audience members will be
able to follow the performance at the newly launched @UniversityArts twitter feed, where they can tweet
and share in real time.The concert will also feature the Concert Band in selections by Jonathan Newman,
Warren Benson and Frank Ticheli.Follow this concert, and many other upcoming BGSU Arts events and
performances, at the new @UniversityArts Twitter handle.