BGSU Arts Events: 01-28-13

All events free unless noted.TUESDAYOboe and bassoon students from the studios of Lynne Mangan
and Susan Nelson will perform at the Manor House in the Wildwood Metropark of Toledo at 7:30 p.m.The
NextFrame Film Festival, part of a yearlong tour featuring award-winning movies by international student
filmmakers, will be shown at 7:30 p.m. in Gish Film Theater in Hanna Hall.Jazz Lab Band 1, under the
direction of David Bixler, will perform with guest artist Don Braden, saxophone. The concert starts at 8
p.m. in Kobacker Hall of the Moore Musical Arts Center.WEDNESDAYPianist Solungga Fang-Tzu Liu will
present a faculty recital at 8 p.m. in Bryan Recital Hall of the Moore Musical Arts Center. She will
perform Musica ricercata by Gy??rgy Ligeti , Keyboard Sonata in G Major by Carl Phillip Emanuel Bach, La
Valse by Maurice Ravel and Piano Sonata in B-Flat Major by Sergei Prokofiev.THURSDAYDistinguished
Visiting Writer Eugene Gloria reads from his poetry as the next presenter in the Creative Writing
Program’s Reading Series at 7:30 p.m. in Prout Chapel.Student composers will perform and discuss their
pieces during the Student Composers Forum at 8 p.m. in the Bryan Recital Hall.FRIDAY &
SATURDAYThe Elsewhere Theatre, sponsored by the BGSU Department of Theatre and Film, presents Naomi
Iizuka’s "Skin." Loosely based on Georg Buechner’s "Woyzech," the play focuses on a
man who is struggling to maintain complex personal and professional relationships. The performance are
at 8 p.m. in the Eva Marie Saint Theatre of the Wolfe Center for the Arts.SUNDAYThe BG Philharmonia,
under the direction of Emily Freeman Brown, presents the 46th annual Concerto Concert at 3 p.m. in the
Donnell Theatre of the Wolfe Center for the Arts. The concert will feature student soloists John
Georgeson, clarinet, Akira Kaku, piano, Noa Even, saxophone, and Elizabeth Pearse, soprano. For tickets,
call (419) 372-8171 or visit 5Tuesdays at the Gish continues its spring season
with "Teenagers from Outer Space." This 1959 cult classic pits aliens versus humans and
includes tacky laser sounds complete with poorly made costumes and atrocious acting. The screening
begins at 7:30 p.m. in BGSU’s Gish Film Theater in Hanna Hall.Viola students of Matthew Daline will
perform at 7:30 p.m. at the Manor House in Wildwood Metropark of Toledo.FEB. 6Composition faculty will
perform and discuss their compositions at 8 p.m. in Bryan Recital Hall of Moore Musical Arts Center.